Friday, October 20, 2006

#21:: what did you say?

she was an odd one. quiet + withdrawn, at least on dates. I never saw her outside of that circumstance--I find it telling how someone interacts with others. a self-professed "country girl" from a place of 255 cities, towns, + gores. we were far from there. downtown berkeley to be specific, a few years ago--a place not immune to the kids with their car stereos that went booooooom-boooooom with bass-heavy tracks. this upset her. she professed a need for quiet in her world + said, in a pained manner of a confessional, that loud "urban" music made her think *very* bad thoughts. --cue sound effect of brakes squealing ending with a car crash-- huh? when I recently showed a class an episode clip of 30 Rock where jenna {jane krakowski} says {after finding out she was still mic_ed}, "did I say the 'N' word? not that I would," I thought of this incident. it bothers me to this day I didn't confront her on that one then + there. oh, it was clear what she meant, but how someone professing to be sooo open-minded + liberal can easily slip into the realm of generalizing epithets was troubling. no matter, things followed some kind of "borderline" personality trajectory of 180ยบ "I love you-I hate you" and derailed shortly after this incident. she's a journalist + her stuff shows up on my radar every so often--with all of its blatant posturing, I know better.

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